
New Original Future : How to wear


First Outfit : 

La Jolla Jeans - Original Future
Coat - DKNY
Nolita Moto Jkt - Bonjour Bizou
Mayla Top - Nelly
Electric Boots - Nelly
Faux Leather Cap - Original Future
Necklace - Nelly 
Cross Necklace - Fallen Angel


Second Outfit :

Gold Stripe Sweashirt - Original Future
Boyfriend Jeans - Young Hollywood
Zip Vest - DKNY
Leo Vest - Fallen Angel Boys
Cropped Top - Bonjour Bizou
Bag - YLS
Stilettos - Archive
Belt - Callie's Pick No 2 
Neon Yellow Necklace - Original Future
Faux Leather Cap - Original Future


Third Outfit :

OF Sheer Skirt - Original Future
Boxy Blazer - Killah
Cropped Top - Nonjour Bizou 
Downtown Sweather - No brand
Inlay Jkt - Killah
Grey Long Shirt - It Girls
Black Sport Bag - RIO
Black Leather Shoes - Fallen Angel
Cross Necklace - Fallen Angel
Brooklyn Cap - Original Future


Hello, I'm Sanae (essen40) again. These are my new (three) outfits. I really hope that you like them and if you have to critize something, just write it in the commentbox. :)

~ Sanae (essen40)

12 komentarzy:

  1. Wchodzcie na mojego bloga obserwujcie go plis to link http://stardollvipsweetxddnews.blogspot.com/

    Dużo fajnych konkursów,darmówki i takie inne!!!!!!!!!1

  2. Wchodzcie na mojego bloga obserwujcie go plis to link http://stardollvipsweetxddnews.blogspot.com/

    Dużo fajnych konkursów,darmówki i takie inne!!!!!!!!!1

  3. i love it! especially first ;)


  4. Great outfits
    The First is the best!

  5. I love your outfits. These are amazing!

  6. Fantastic !! Coll xD

  7. Thank you very much ♥ What should be the next outfit? or which store?
